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Shanghai New International Expo Centre is located in 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, and easily accessible using many means of transport.
By Air
By train
By Car
By Taxi
By Metro

By Air

Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) is approximately 24 km from Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and 22 km from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, and can be easily reached by metro or taxi.

1) Shanghai Pudong International Airport

① By Metro
A: To reach SNIEC, get out from Exit 2 of Pudong International Airport
Route: Take Maglev (direction Longyang Road)
Transfer: Line 7 (direction Huamu Road) Longyang Road Station (Exit 21) -- Huamu Road Station (Exit 1)
Duratiion: about 36 minutes,
Fare: RMB 53
B: To reach SNIEC, get out from the North Entrance of Pudong International Airport Station,
Route: Line 2 (East Xujing direction)-- Longyang Road Station,
Transfer: Line 7 (Huamu Road direction)-- Huamu Road Station (Exit 1)
Duratiion: about 69 minutes
Fare: RMB 6
② By Taxi
It will take 39 minutes to cover the 41 km between Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

2)Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport

① By Metro
To reach SNIEC, get out from Hongqiao Terminal 2 Station
Route: Line 2 (Pudong International Airport direction) -- Longyang Road,
Transfer: Line 7 (Huamu Road direction) -- Huamu Road Station (Exit 1)
Duration: about 72 minutes
Fare: RMB 6

② By Taxi It will take 35 minutes to cover the 26 km between Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport Service Hotline: 021-96990

By train

Shanghai New International Expo Centre is located in 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, and easily accessible using many means of transport.

1)Shanghai Railway Station

① By Metro:
To reach SNIEC, get out from Shanghai Railway Station,
Route: Line 4 Inner Circle ( Baoshan Road direction) -- Century Avenue,
Transfer: Line 2 ( Pudong International Airport direction)-- Longyang Road, Line 7 ( Huamu Road direction-- Huamu Road Station(Exit 1)
Duration: about 52 minutes,
Fare: RMB 4

② By Taxi
It will take 30 minutes to cover the 17 km between Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

2)hanghainan Railway Station

① By Metro
To reach SNIEC, get out from Shanghainan Railway Station (Exit 5)
Route: Line 1 (Fujin Road direction) --Shanghai Stadium,
Transfer: Line 4 Outer Circle ( Shanghai Stadium direction) -- Dong'an Road, Line 7 ( Hua Mu Road direction)-- Hua Mu Road Station (Exit 1)
Duration: about 62 minutes
Fare: RMB 5

② By Taxi
It will take 25 minutes to cover the 23 km between Shanghainan Railway Station and Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

3)Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station

① By Metro
To reach SNIEC, get out from Hongqiao Railway Station(North Exit 2 )
Route: Line 2 (Pudong International Airport direction) -- Longyang Road
Transfer: Line 7 (Huamu Road direction)-- Huamu Road Station (Exit 1
Duration: about 10 minutes
Fare: RMB 6

② By Taxi
It will take 45 minutes to cover the 31 km between Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station and Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

Shanghai Railway Service Hotline: 021-12306

By Car

Shanghai New International Expo Centre is located in 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, and easily accessible using many means of transport.

The exhibition area is conveniently located at 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area and is easily accessible by public transport. It can be reached directly from the city centre across the Nanpu Bridge and Yangpu Bridge.

Parking: 4603 spaces available for exhibitors

Parking fee: RMB 8 per hour, capped at RMB 64 for a single day (this rate applies to small cars or other light vehicles)

By Taxi

Shanghai New International Expo Centre is located in 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, and easily accessible using many means of transport.

Booking hotline:

1.Shanghai Jinjiang: 021-96961

2.Volkswagen Hire: 021-96822

3.Haibo Hire: 021-96933

4.Shanghai Johnson: 021-62580000

By Metro

Shanghai New International Expo Centre is located in 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, and easily accessible using many means of transport.

Shanghai Metro Service Hotline: 021-64370000



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